Supporting sustainable development
Badrakh Energy LLC is strongly committed to local communities and their development.
It defines sustainable ways to manage its socio-economic impact by sharing mining benefits with local communities by:
- commissioning studies to better understand the socio-economic environment in which the project will integrate,
- creating jobs and training local people in industrial and other skills,
- purchasing locally produced goods and services,
- supporting the development of infrastructures benefiting local people.
Building an open and effective dialogue
Badrakh Energy strives to build a trusting relationship with all stakeholders living in the aimags of Dornogobi, taking into account the specifics of Gobi Desert communities and in particular, the herders.
Local cooperation council
In Ulaanbadrakh sum and Zuunbayan bag, a series of dialogue exchanges between the company and representatives of local communities, called Local Cooperation Councils, were launched in 2013, on a quarterly basis.
meetings held since 2013
The cooperation council
Site visits
2018-2019 онд
13 удаа талбайн ажилтай танилцах айлчлалыг 200 гаруй иргэн хамрагджээ
Pedagogical visits are regularly organized for the communities based in Ulaanbadrakh sum and Zuunbayan bagh of Sainshand sum of Dornogobi aimag (Local Cooperation Councils’ members and observers), as well as herders and professors. Nuclear physics students from the National University of Mongolia are also regular visitors.
Social and economic development
Badrakh Energy LLC has been contributing to the socio-economic development of local communities since its establishment in Mongolia.
Cooperation Agreement
In 2018 Badrakh Energy entered into a Cooperation Agreement with the Ulaanbadrakh sum and the Zuunbayan bagh. A key objective of this agreement is to ensure the contribution of the company to the development of societal projects in the following domains: access to water, human health, animal health, education, culture, access to energy and economic development.
This agreement has been renewed in 2021
Projects are submitted on an annual basis, through the Local Cooperation Committee representatives. The selection of projects is carried out with the participation of the local administration according to the above priorities.
The Mining Societal Committee, set up by Orano Mining, assesses and confirms the conformity of the projects with the priorities.
Grievance mechanism
The grievance management procedure launched at the end of 2020 is designed to pre-resolve problems before they lead to legal disputes. The company makes great efforts to answer well-documented requests and complaints from third parties, and to seek solutions without delay.
After recording the requests or complaints submitted to the company, the company ensures they are resolved within two months, with the participation of the relevant company departments and employees in keeping with revised regulations. The report on the resolution of requests and complaints will be presented to the Cooperation Council on a yearly basis.
A summary of reporting on the processing of grievances will be drawn up at the end of 2021.
Grievances can be submitted:
- By phone: 94091185, 99103412
- By
- By post: Badrakh Energy,ICC Tower, floor 8 Jamiyan Gun street 9,Khoroo 1 Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar
Supporting education
How we support education
Supporting community
How we support locals