
Protecting the environment

Every activity in the lifecycle of a mine, from exploration to site remediation, has an environmental impact which all teams strive to reduce to ensure that the environmental footprint is kept as small as possible.

Before the project begins: Environmental baseline

The environmental baseline study covers geology, geography, hydrology and climate conditions as well as biological diversity, soil and vegetation characteristics of the project site. It also includes local socio-economic aspects.

The environmental and socio-economic baseline study at the Zuuvch Ovoo exploration site was completed in 2012 by Eco Trade LLC.

During the project development stage

Detailed environmental impact assessment

In March 2016, the Professional Council of the Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism approved the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) of the Zuuvch Ovoo pilot project.

Four phases of the study:

  • production technology study,
  • environmental baseline study,
  • field study,
  • data processing.

The assessment covered the studies of radiation, chemicals, residues, soil, air, fauna and flora, noise, surface and ground water quality, hydrology, public health and socio-economic conditions.

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring is maintained and reinforced from construction to operation, and an environment management system is applied on site. Mechanisms are set to systematically monitor the food chain, soil, water and air surrounding sites, particularly in areas that are near to those in which people live, work and travel.

Environmental Monitoring

Best international practices: Environmental monitoring program with communities

Each year an environmental monitoring program is put in place to check the quality of air, soil, water and preservation of biodiversity.

Participative environmental monitoring has been successfully implemented since 2013 on a trilateral cooperation basis between COGEGOBI (ex-AREVA’s exploration subsidiary in Mongolia), local authorities and citizens from Zuunbayan bag of Sainshand sum and Ulaanbadrakh sum of Dornogobi aimag. This practice was extended to Badrakh Energy’s pilot project.

Badrakh Energy organizes a participative environmental monitoring program with local citizens within the framework of the pilot. The water samples are extracted from six spots across the territory of Argalant, Bayanbogd and Zuunbayan bags and sent to be analyzed in the Central Geological Laboratory and Nuclear Research Centre Laboratory chosen by local people. Radioactivity measurements are also made in the field. Results are presented and reported to the stakeholders.

Badrakh Energy LLC was once awarded as “Best Practice” by the workshop entitled “Best Practice on the Participatory Environmental Monitoring” held in April 2019 by the Ministry for Environment and Tourism of Mongolia.



sessions of Participative monitoring conducted since 2013

Environmental monitoring system

The work is according to the triple environmental monitoring system:

  • We produce the annual environmental monitoring and management plan and secure the approval of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The local environment and tourism department supervises the implementation of this plan, whereas the environmental specialists of the company are in charge of achieving this plan.
  • We are continuing to carry out environmental monitoring every year after the technological ISR pilot that was done in 2010-2011.
  • The environmental monitoring program, with the participation of the local governance and representatives of citizens, has continued since 2013.

The environmental activities are inspected, verified and evaluated in two types every year according to the management plan:

  • Works done on the site
  • Works required by the law as part of the activities of the company, which holds meetings to discuss and assess the planned works.

Environmental research and analysis

Environmental research and analysis actions carried out since 2017:

  • State of the quality of the sites in Zuunbayan of Sainshand soum, Dornogobi province, Dulaan-Uul in Ulaanbadrakh soum and near Dulaan, Zuuvch-Ovoo, Uushiin Govi, Umnut and Bogd Uul
  • Report of the study on species, population, migration, movement and habitat of ungulates (mammals) and birds
  • Report of the environmental audit at the uranium project implemented by Badrakh Energy LLC
  • Justification and plan of establishing the tree cultivation site and carrying out the reforestation through planting of saxauls in pots.

According to the monitoring results, no negative environmental impact has been identified from Badrakh Energy’s operation of the project.

Sustainability: Water



Minimizing environmental impact


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