Minimizing environmental impact
Environmental protection and remediation
In order to anticipate risks, remediation is taken into account right from the exploration and development phases of mining projects.
Mining operations require the development of infrastructure (supply of energy, roads, facilities) for the processing of uranium ore which has an impact on the natural environment which has to be assessed, minimized and controlled.
In order to anticipate risks, remediation is taken into account right from the exploration and development phases of mining projects. Although some remediation work is carried throughout the active period, most of the technical work takes place when mining operations cease.
The employment-related and social implications of the closure of a site are taken into account as far upstream as possible in coordination with the competent authorities and in consultation with all internal and external stakeholders.
Optimal planning and implementation of the rehabilitation works plays a crucial role in maintaining the confidence of local communities, authorities and all stakeholders involved. It is key to the long-term acceptability of our activities and our «license to operate» in the communities and in the host countries where we are made welcome.
Нөхөн сэргээлтийн ажлын өмнө (2014) ба дараах (2015) байдал
Remediation plan for the project:
- Well field: filing in of wes, dsmanting ofthe surface faites and rehabilitation of land
- Industrial facilities: dismanting, demotion and rehabiltation of land
- Water table: restoration by natural mitigation, based on various hydrogeological studies and studies demonstrating the effectiveness of natural mitigation with regard to the aqufers ofthe areas mined
- Revegetation: Plantation of Saxauls (protected local trees) in rehabiltated areas and in neighboring areas as part of an environmental offset project
- Ongoing monitoring of water tables through a network of piezometers 88
Monitoring & Remediation work control
Every year Badrakh Energy submits its environmental monitoring plans and the remediation work carried out systematically on completion of exploration activities to the Ministry of the Environment and Tourism. These action plans are audited by local authorities and then by the regional environmental protection department before the Annual Environmental Monitoring Report is submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
In 2020, Badrakh energy obtained the 90% score of fulfilment of its environmental management plan
As part of the preparation of the Zuuvch Ovoo ISR pilot site, the detailed environmental impact study determined that a number of saxaouls situated in the pilot area would be impacted. The Orano Mining subsidiary in Mongolia, Badrakh Energy, opted for unique compensation.
Upstream of the project, the majority of the facilities will be built outside the high density saxaoul zones and Badrakh Energy will ensure strict management of the tracks.
The company has proposed replanting saxaouls on a surface equivalent to that affected by the pilot. The compensation measure will be carried out in an area close to the pilot and compatible with the sustainable recovery of the trees, in a location chosen in agreement with the stakeholders and respecting local traditions. Thus, in order to create a positive societal and environmental dynamic, stakeholders will be involved and the work will be carried out by local companies and professionals specialising in the replanting of trees in arid regions.
Drilling mud consists of clay and biodegradable components such as bentonite and polymer. This mud is injected during drilling to prevent the borehole from collapsing. It is stored according to need in a mud tank near the drill rigs. Once the drilling is finalized, the remediation will be performed following the below steps. The quality of remediation works gives to us the possibility to minimize as reasonably possible the impact on the environment.
The remediation of the borehole surrounding is done as per the following steps:
- When drilling ends, the mud used for drilling cleaning contained in the mud tank which is 1X1 m in size and 1.2 m deep is pumped out, transported and disposed of in a mud pit
- The backfilling and ground levelling is made manually in such a way as to make the landscape similar to its original shape
- The regeneration of vegetation is monitored on the annual basis and necessary data is registered on the electronic database
Нөхөн сэргээлтийн ажлын гүйцэтгэлийг хүлээн авах талаар
Байгаль орчны ажилтан нөхөн сэргээлтийн ажлын гүйцэтгэлийг дараах мэдээллийг багтаасан баримтын дагуу албан ёсоор цооног нэг бүрчлэн хүлээж авдаг. Үүнд:
- Талбайн тусгай зөвшөөрлийн дугаар болон нэр
- Гэрээлэгч компаний нэр болон өрөмдлөгийн багийн тодорхойлолт
- Цооногийн координат ба дугаар
- Өрөмдлөг эхэлсэн болон дууссан огноо
- Цооногтой холбоотой техникийн мэдээллүүд
- Нөхөн сэргээлт хийсэн талбайн хэмжээ
- Бохирдол болон хог хаягдлыг шалгасан байдал (асгаралт, ургамлан нөмрөгт нөлөөлсөн байдал гэх мэт)
- Нөхөн сэргээлтийн гүйцэтгэлийн дүгнэлт
- Өрөмдлөг эхлэхийн өмнөх, өрөмдлөг явагдаж байх үеийн болон нөхөн сэргээлтийн дараах цооногийн гэрэл зураг болон цацрагийн фон хэмжилтийн мэдээлэл
Эдгээр мэдээллийг Байгаль орчны мэдээллийн цахим санд бүртгүүлснээр нөхөн сэргээлтийн ажлыг бүрэн хийж гүйцэтгэсэн гэж үздэг.
Sustainability: Water
Protecting the environment