Our employees
Giving Nuclear Energy it’s full value
The Zuuvch Ovoo project brings local employment and skills development. Most of the pilot test workforce is from Ulaanbadrakh soum and Zuunbayan bagh. As Badrakh Energy LLC will need trained operators in the future, it organizes technical vocational trainings in the areas of Health & Safety, Mechanics, Electricity and Chemistry.
Some of this training is organized with the participation of the Vocational Training Center of Dornogobi aimag and with the support of the Governor of Ulaanbadrakh sum.
96 percent of Badrakh Energy's employees are from Mongolia
37 is the number of employees during the test stage
24 % of employees are women
Multiple initiatives are deployed throughout the year to develop safety culture and improve safety performance among Badrakh Energy employees:
- Monthly safety results are communicated through safety reports to all employees and subcontractors to raise their safety awareness and promote the need for vigilance;
- Employees are required to identify and report not only actual accidents but also “near misses” and HIPOs (high potential events) that are considered as the first signal of a dangerous situation;
- Once a year, a Safety Day is held, with the participation of all employees and subcontractors. Special training and events are run during the day to share best safety practices and remind everyone of safety standards.
1 lost time injury in 2020
Health is an absolute priority, and actions are taken to cultivate a positive health culture among employees and subcontractors.
A health management system has been introduced on Zuuvch Ovoo site and is regularly adapted to the project stages.
Occupational health is periodically assessed and the organization improved to protect workers’ health.
The prevention of risks that may affect the health of company employees takes place at several levels:
- Annual medical check-ups for all permanent and temporary employees;
- Vaccination monitoring for employees, with a voluntary vaccination campaign;
- Awareness-raising campaigns on key public health issues such as HIV, hepatitis B and tuberculosis;
- First Aid training courses;
- In case of any health issue, medical help is available on site and if necessary medical evacuation measures are in place.
of Badrakh Energy’ employees are from Mongolia
of Badrakh Energy’ employees are locally hired
is the total number of employees during the testing stage
of employees are women
Radiation protection
The radiation protection measures of Badrakh Energy make it possible to limit the exposure of its teams, its subcontractors and local populations to radiation.
The company’s work in this area is based on the national and international recommendations governing exposure limits for people, both in the case of radioactivity from industrial activities and natural radioactivity.
Monitoring employees' radiation exposure
Badrakh Energy is committed to keeping personnel exposure to ionizing radiation in its facilities as low as reasonably achievable
Maximum added annual doze in 2020 = 0.3mSv
Radiation protection measures
- Regular radiological measurements are taken in the exploration camps of Dulaan Uul and Zuuvch Ovoo, based on the radiological plan approved by the Authority of the Professional Inspection of Mongolia.
- Radiation measurement devices are sent to the Laboratory of Radiological Control and Analysis at the Authority of Professional Inspection for adjustment and certification before use on site.
- Radioactivity levels in the soil are monitored at 30 locations across the licensed sites in the Sainshand region. The soil samples are sent to the laboratory at the Nuclear Research Center to determine the radioactive isotopes.
- The analysis results show that the limit values have not changed much from the initial state of the soil.